Need help? Browse our FAQ below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about Codeverse.

Why Codeverse?

What makes Codeverse unique?

Program Details

Where would my child start in the curriculum?
Can my kid keep learning outside of class time?
What programming language do you use to teach kids to code?
Is there a way I can stay updated with my kid's progress?
What is the right age for my student to enroll?

Codeverse Guides

Who are Codeverse Guides?
Where are Codeverse Guides located?
Can I pick my Guide?
Do I have the same instructor every class?

Codeverse Membership

How much do classes cost?
What are the perks of Codeverse membership?

Accessing Codeverse

What technology do I need?
How do I join a virtual session?


How does scheduling work?
What is the rescheduling policy for classes?
Can I pause my membership if my family is traveling?
What is the cancellation policy?

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